This is an ode to the one thing men of all ages look for as much as they can. An ode to the beautiful camel toe. As you can see to the left, the beautiful Jessica Simpson has graced us with a perfect camel toe. God bless her and God bless her toe!
You ever been hanging out with some friends and you see this hot chick who all of a sudden pulls her shorts up a bit. You punch your friends in the arms and scream like a fucking school girl.... CAMEL TOE??? If you haven't, then your a liar or some fucktard!
Some camel toes are sweet. Like a work of art. Some camel toes are a little different but still music to your ears. Some camel toes make you look sideways but still smile. Camel toes bring harmony to the world I say!
A perfect camel toe in my eyes could stop hunger around the world! I personally think we should have a "Ms, World Camel Toe". A very sweet camel toe could make a person want to be a doctor specializing in camel toe surgery. Then theres that perfect camel toe. If some young man sees that, he might want to become the next president of the united states. Thats what happened to Bill Clinton! Look where it got him! Motherfucker got blowjobs in the oval office and is making millions on the book tours!
The perfect camel toe will have no hair blocking it's boundries. If it has some hair, it will have shaved lips and a landing strip! I perfect camel toe will be inviting. It wants you to look at it! It wants to make you want more! It wants to make you horny!
NOW on the flipside of camel toes. What if the bitch wearing one is like 400lbs? Do I really want to see this shit? I mean she could be having something going on up inside that pussy that could kill 33 men. Think of the cottage cheese and mold growing up in there! What if it was Roseanne Barr Arnold? That bitch has to have the nastiest stanky monkey going today!
What about that freak who has panties/shorts way up that pussy? Does that mean she's going to pull a Camero out of that motherfucker? Lord have mercy on the man who fucks that! To get off my rant.... A sweet camel toe is something to look at and enjoy. A sweet camel toe can make a grown man cry. I really sweet international camel toe could make the pope want to start fucking. Gentlemen! Take the cameltoe serious! It makes the world go around!
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