Seeing my first live college game of the year Saturday night. I was a season ticket holder for 13 years then took some time off so I could follow my child and watch them do some really nice things on the court. My friend Zeke and decided to get tickets again along with our other friends Mike and Dave. Zeke and I share a ticket since one of us two have to be at work at all times. This way one of us can go.
The one thing I loved about college football is the tailgate parties. I've got to be honest here, the team I root for hasnt won alot in the last 100 years. We've had a few great years but nothing fancy. During this whole time I've been a season ticket holder, the best thing about the games was and is the tailgates.
My friends and I have learned through the years about how to tailgate. At first we were kinda weak. Then it got better. (Mostly because the wives took over the menu.) We've enjoyed bringing our families with us. We've enjoyed bringing other friends with us. The time I took my friend Scott with me and we got drunker then four motherfuckers. Were walking around from tent to tent. Next thing I know were in a Nebraska Husker tailgate tent drinking their beer and eating their food.
This Husker backer decides to strike up a conversation.... We exchange pleasantries. We mingle and talk. Scott and I eat more food and drink more of their beer. Next thing ya know I'm telling this Husker goober that I'm the largest cheese farmer in southwest Iowa. Told the idiot that I had over 100 acres of chedder cheese, over 100 acres of colbyjack cheese. Told him that I had thousands of acres of swiss cheese. That it took me hours and hours to make the holes in the swiss. We drink more of his beer.
I've tailgated all over the country. Hitting as many Big12 and Big10 cities as possible. I've got dreams of making sure I tailgate at Notre Dame, LSU, Ohio State and Michigan to name a few. I've tailgated at Bowl games all over the country. The best bowl tailgate has to be the Gator Bowl in Jacksonville, Florida. The worst has to be The Independence Bowl in Shreveport, Louisiana.
The worst place to ever tailgate has to be Lincoln, Nebraska! These fucks can't even tailgate near the stadium. The best place to tailgate? I'm being biased here but I'm telling the truth. Ames, Iowa at Jack Trice Stadium! I'll let you know how this weekend goes. I've gotten older so I don't know if I've got the tailgate in me anymore. (I bet i do!)
All Comments are Welcome!
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